Boutique cleaning and inspection service
- Do you offer a jewellery maintenance and repair service?
We are able to help maintain the beauty and security of your Pravins jewellery thanks to our extensive maintenance and repair service.
Please contact us on or on 029 2039 4405 if you require any assistance. If you are emailing us please include details of your purchase (such as your order number or your name and postcode) to help us identify your transaction.
We strongly recommend you read our Jewellery Care Guide, utilise our complimentary annual inspection service and maintain adequate insurance for all your jewellery.
For further information on how we can assist you, visit our Jewellery Maintenance Services page.
- Why is my jewellery getting scratched?
Wear and tear (also referred to simply as ‘wear’) refers to deterioration of the aesthetics or function of your jewellery caused by regular use. Virtually all jewellery will experience some level of wear, depending on how frequently it is worn and how much contact it receives. The most common examples of wear and tear are scratching and denting of surface finishes and deterioration of small parts such as fastenings and claw settings.
We strongly recommend you read our Jewellery Care Guide, utilise our complimentary annual inspection service and maintain adequate insurance for all your jewellery.
- Why is my white gold ring changing colour?
18ct white gold is naturally off-white in colour as it contains a high proportion of gold, which is a yellow metal. To create a bright pure-white finish it is standard practice to electro-plate white gold jewellery with rhodium (a member of the platinum family).
Rhodium plating will wear off over a period of time, especially on high-contact items such as rings and bracelets, however re-plating is a simple and inexpensive procedure and will keep your white gold jewellery looking like new.
Rhodium plating is not covered by the Pravins guarantee. We would normally expect to see white gold jewellery returned for re-plating every few years or perhaps for special events.
- I thought diamonds were indestructible?
Sadly this is a bit of a myth, perpetuated in part by the very successful 1980s marketing campaign featuring the slogan ‘A Diamond is Forever’. Diamonds have an internal grain (similar to wood), which is created by their crystalline atomic structure. They can be split or ‘cleaved’ along this grain and usually the table is polished against it. This means that diamonds have excellent surface hardness (10 out of 10 on Moh’s scale) but they can be chipped if struck at the right angle i.e along the grain.
Chipping or damaging diamonds is rare but in order to protect your valuable pieces of jewellery we strongly recommend maintaining adequate insurance cover. In addition, regular maintenance and inspections should allow us to highlight any wear and tear which gives cause for concern.
- Can I wear a platinum ring next to my white gold one?
The choice of metal for rings to sit together is a personal one. However, due to the difference in hardness between platinum and gold we usually recommend to wear like with like (platinum with platinum, gold with gold).